- Mathematics
Basic Math and Algebra
Provides a review of basic arithmetic and elementary
algebra; includes fractions, decimals, percentages, exponents, radicals,
logarithms; exercises in factoring polynomials, linear equations,
ratio, proportion, variation, complex numbers and quadratic
equations; presents brief introduction to plane figures, geometric
construction, and trigonometry.
- Pre-Calculus and Intro to
Contains information on the following subjects: straight
lines, conic sections, tangents, normals, slopes; introduction to
differential and integral calculus; combinations and permutations;
and introduction to probability. This course is general in
nature and is not directed toward any specific specialty.
- Time
Assists enlisted and officer personnel of the United
States Navy and Naval Reserve in acquiring the knowledge requisite to the
computation of time. It uses two-dimensional charts and expanded
narratives to explain both the global division and
designation, and the processes and mathematical formulas used in
the conversion of time.